Friday, January 19, 2018

Photos of Custom Hand-Knit Sweaters That Blend People Into Places

Photographer Joseph Ford and knitter Nina Dodd have spent 4 years working on a creative project called “Knitted Camouflage.” Ford shoots portraits of subjects wearing custom, carefully hand-knit sweaters by Dodd that blend them into very, very specific locations.

The colors, lines, and patterns of the sweaters are made to perfectly match the exact place and pose, making it seem as though you’re looking through the subject at what’s behind them (similar to what Chinese artist Liu Bolin does with body paint).

The project started after Dodd was riding a double-decker bus and was struck with the idea of knitting a jumper that looks just like a bus seat.

“Then came a fortuitous meeting with outstanding photographer Joseph Ford and the rest was history,” Dodd writes. “Dogs in bushes, twins sitting by walls, Parisian street artists up ladders, what fantastic fun!”

You can find more of Ford’s work on his website, Facebook, and Instagram. We previously featured his creative diptychs that blend aerial and fashion photos.

(via Knitted Camouflage via Colossal)

Image credits: Photographs by Joseph Ford and used with permission

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Photos of Custom Hand-Knit Sweaters That Blend People Into Places was originally posted by proton T2a

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