Thursday, January 18, 2018

Cascable Adds Photography ‘Recipes’: Automation for Mobile Shooters

Cascable, the iOS app that provides software tools for “modern day” photographers, has just added “Recipes” to the app’s list of features. These are automation tools for mobile photographers.

You may be familiar with the idea of creating application recipes from websites such as IFTTT and Zapier, which allow you to connect a number of websites together based on triggering actions.

Cascable, however, is combining the idea of automation recipes with photography. Specifically, the app allows you to automate time-lapses, exposure bracketing sequences, and any other series of shots and actions you can think of in the order you need.

You are able to create a sequence, including repetitions, that control a variety of settings. Exposures can be adjusted through tweaks to shutter speed, aperture, ISO, and exposure compensation. A “Smart Exposure” setting will allow the software to choose which setting to change itself.

Creating and editing recipes is as easy as dragging and dropping blocks from the picker.

You can also run your recipes against a virtual camera, allowing you to see how the recipe will turn out in reality. This could save you valuable time that may be wasted on a broken recipe.

Finally, you can also add “Variables.” This allows you to adjust exposures and change settings while the recipe is running.

The app supports over 100 models of cameras from major brands such as Canon, Nikon, FujiFilm, Olympus, Panasonic, and Sony.

Cascable is free for iOS devices, with pro features costing $2 per month (a free trial is available) or a $30 one-time purchase. Unfortunately, there is currently no Android version of the app.

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Cascable Adds Photography ‘Recipes’: Automation for Mobile Shooters was originally posted by proton T2a

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